Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Rhino from Ujung Kulon Indonesia

Mammals, including rhinos, which are rare, only a little one-horned rhinoceros who testified that his residence was on the tip of Java island (west end), with survival melestraikan rhino is certainly something very beharga for the next generation.

On the island of Java was so great that only left hundreds of remote Java rhino who lives at the end of the island of Java, and also by the government into areas off limits for hunting or formal, in because the population is getting less.

Java rhino breeding only a little and take a long time, so it is very important to us and the government supports the preservation of life and a very supportive environment for the survival of the Javan Rhino, is in need persistence and lighting to the public how important it is to preserve the animal as an icon of the island of Java is .


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