Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Mandau Saber From Kalimantan Indonesia

Bladed saber is a kind of machete comes from Borneo Dayak culture. Saber is one of Indonesia's traditional weapons. In contrast to the charcoal, the saber has a carving - carving on the blade is not sharp. Are also encountered additional holes in the blade is covered with a brass or copper with a view to beautify the saber blades.Table of contents

* 1 tainted
* 2 Threshold
* 3 The raw materials and prices
* 4 References
* 5 External links
[Edit] tainted
Tainted is the sheath blade saber. Tainted made of wood, covered with deer antlers, and usually decorated with carvings. In the saber was given tainted tempuser Act, which is made of woven ties uei (rattan). In addition to such well bound tainted bag made of bark and wood contain penyerut ivory knife believed to be able to resist the beast. Tersarungkan the saber which is usually tied around the waist tainted with braided rattan.[Edit] Threshold
Threshold is the designation for the saber is made of ordinary iron. Often used as a souvenir. Lay people or people who are not accustomed to seeing or holding the saber would be difficult to distinguish between the saber with the threshold as if seen by naked eye are both almost the same. However, both are very different. But if we look in more detail it will show a very striking difference, namely the saber are carved or inlaid with gold, copper, or silver and the saber is more powerful and flexible, because the saber is made of volcanic rock that contains iron and processed by an expert. While the threshold is only made of ordinary iron.[Edit] The raw material and price
According to the literature in the Museum Balanga, Palangkaraya, saber raw material is iron (Sanaman) located in the upper mantikei Matikei River, Village tumbles Atei, Sanaman Matikei, Katingan. This iron is flexible, so easy to bend. The original saber price starts from Rp. 1 million dollars. The original saber-old and older have a strong steel prices could reach Rp. 20 million dollars per blade. Raw material can also use regular saber iron per car, chainsaw blades, discs other vehicles and iron rods. Working tool is a hammer which is used primarily, betel, and pointed to a hole sebasang iron saber for garnish. Also used an electric-powered air blower to illuminate the flame waste ironwood he used to heat the iron. Ironwood was chosen because it can generate more heat than other wood.
Saber to cideramata usually wooden-handled, prices range from Rp. 50,000 to Rp. 300 000 depending on the iron used. The original saber has penyang, penyang-set is a collection of Dayak tribal knowledge gained from the results of an ascetic or user ancestor who used to go to war. Penyang will make the person holding the saber powerful, strong and invulnerable in the face of the enemy. penyang is a saber and a unity that can not be separated from generation to generation of ancestors.[Edit] References

* Compass, Monday, May 8, 2006. Homeland binoculars: Saber Weapon Lestarinya Typical Dayak. Thing. 36
* Black Belt in July 1970

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