Senin, 09 Juli 2012
Original T-shirts Yogyakarta Indonesia
Pilihan nama Dagadu bermula dari salah seorang di antara mereka yang mengumpat dalam bahasa slang Djokdja : dagadu! (baca: matamu). Umpatan itulah yang memberi inspirasi nama merk dagang produk cinderamata mereka sesaat sebelum mereka berjualan.
Akhirnya, Dagadu resmi menjadi merk produk cinderamata alternatif yang dijual di Malioboro Mall ini. Untuk menunjukkan lokalitas dari mana cinderamata itu berasal, ditambahilah kata Djokdja setelah Dagadu. Sementara itu pemakaian ejaan lama pada kata Djokdja dimaksudkan untuk memberi muatan nilai historis kota Jogjakarta. Sejak awal kelahirannya, Dagadu Djokdja sudah memposisikan diri sebagai produk cinderamata alternatif dari Djokdja. Sebuah cinderamata, tentu saja akan mengeksplorasi semangat dan khasanah budaya lokal. Selain praktis dan ringan sebagai syarat fungsionalnya, cinderamata juga harus menjadi benda kenangan. Dengan kata lain, selalu ada cerita dibaliknya, ada keunikan yang dibawanya.
Djokdja selalu menjadi tema sentral produk Dagadu Djokdja. Everything about Djokdja. Ya tentang artefaknya, bahasanya, kultur kehidupannya, maupun peristiwa keseharian yang terjadi di dalamnya. Terdapat beberapa merek kaus oblong terkenal lainnya seperti C59 di Bandung serta Joger di Bali. Di daerah lain, juga ada kaus oblong yang identik dengan daerah itu, meski tak setenar tiga merek di atas. Seperti Cak Cuk Suroboyo dari Surabaya, Menza dari Pringsewu Lampung, Nyenyes dari Palembang, serta Begenjoh dari Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara.
Indonesian native food called TEMPE
Tempeh is a food made from the fermentation of soy beans or some other material that uses some kind of fungus Rhizopus such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. oryzae, Rh. stolonifer (bread mold), or Rh. arrhizus. The preparation of this fermentation is generally known as "yeast tempe".
Mold that grows on soybeans hydrolyze complex compounds into simpler compounds that are easily digested by humans. Tempeh is rich in dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin B and iron. A wide range of content in tempeh have medicinal value, such as antibiotics to cure the infection and antioxidant prevention of degenerative diseases.
In general, because the white tempeh mold mycelia growth that holds the seeds of soybean, forming a compact texture. Degradation of components in fermented soybean tempeh has made distinctive flavor and aroma. Unlike the tofu was a little sour.
Tempe widely consumed in Indonesia, but now has worldwide. Vegetarians around the world many of which have used tempeh instead of meat. As a result now tempe produced in many places in the world, not only in Indonesia. Various studies in several countries, like Germany, Japan and the United States. Indonesia is also now trying to develop a strain (strain) to produce tempeh Rhizopus ahead more quickly, quality, or improve the nutritional value of tempe. Some have worried about these activities can threaten the existence of tempe as food for the common property of yeast strains tempe patent pending technology could lead to its use reserved (requires a license from the patent holder).Table of contents
* 1 Preparation
* 2 History and development
2.1 The origins
o 2.2 Tempe in Indonesia
Tempe 2.3 Outside Indonesia
* 3 Benefits and Nutrition
3.1 Fatty Acids
3.2 Vitamin
3.3 Mineral
3.4 Antioxidants
* 4 Tempe instead of soy
* 5 Note
* 6 References
* 7 See also
[Edit] PreparationTempe wrapped in banana leaves are sold in traditional markets Indonesia
There are various methods of making tempeh. [1] [2] However, the technique of making tempeh in Indonesia in general consists of the stages of boiling, peeling, soaking and pickling, washing, inoculation with yeast, packaging, and fermentation. [3]
In the early stages of making tempeh, soy beans boiled. Boiling stage serves as the hydration process, namely that of soy beans to absorb water as much as possible. Boiling is also intended to soften the soy beans that will be able to absorb the acid in the soaking stage.
Soybean seed coat peeled on stage stripping in order to penetrate the fungal mycelium soybean seeds during fermentation. Stripping can be done by hand, being trampled by the feet, or a nut shell peeler.
Once peeled, soaked soy beans. Immersion stage is for the purpose of hydration of soy beans and let the natural lactic acid fermentation in order to obtain the acidity required for the growth of fungi. Lactic acid fermentation occurs is characterized by the emergence of a sour smell and scum on the water bath due to the growth of Lactobacillus bacteria. When the growth of lactic acid bacteria is not optimum (for example in subtropical countries [4], the acid should be added to the soaking water. Lactic acid fermentation and acidification, it is also useful to increase the nutritional value and eliminate the toxic bacteria.
Final washing process performed to remove impurities that may be formed by lactic acid bacteria and soy beans that are not too acidic. Bacteria and dirt can inhibit the growth of fungi.
Inoculation is done by the addition of inoculum, the yeast tempeh or laru. Inoculum may be a mold that grows on the leaves and dried hibiscus or teak leaves (called usar; used traditionally), mold spores in the medium tempe flour (wheat, rice, or tapioca; sold in the market), or culture R. pure oligosporus (tempeh makers commonly used by outside Indonesia). [4] [5] Inoculation can be done in two ways, namely (1) spreading the inoculum on the surface of soy beans that have been cold and dried, then mixed thoroughly before wrapping; or (2) of inoculum can be mixed directly at the time of immersion, left for some time , then dried.
Once inoculated, soy beans wrapped or placed in containers for fermentation. A variety of packing materials or containers may be used (eg banana leaves, hibiscus leaves, leaf teak, plastic, glass, wood, and steel), provided that allows the entry of air as tempe molds need oxygen to grow. Material from the leaves or plastic wrapper is usually given by way of holes pierced.
Soybean seeds that have been wrapped allowed to undergo a process of fermentation. In this process the mold growing on the surface and penetrate the soybean seeds, put them together into tempe. Fermentation can be carried out at 20 ° C-37 ° C for 18-36 hours. Shorter fermentation time is usually to use a lot of tempeh inoculum and higher temperatures, while the traditional process using laru of leaf fermentation usually takes up to 36 hours.
Rhino from Ujung Kulon Indonesia
Mammals, including rhinos, which are rare, only a little one-horned rhinoceros who testified that his residence was on the tip of Java island (west end), with survival melestraikan rhino is certainly something very beharga for the next generation.
On the island of Java was so great that only left hundreds of remote Java rhino who lives at the end of the island of Java, and also by the government into areas off limits for hunting or formal, in because the population is getting less.
Java rhino breeding only a little and take a long time, so it is very important to us and the government supports the preservation of life and a very supportive environment for the survival of the Javan Rhino, is in need persistence and lighting to the public how important it is to preserve the animal as an icon of the island of Java is .
Pitung Hero from Indonesia
For the people of Betawi, Pitung is a hero. He lived in the 19th century, residents Rawabelong, with his father, Piun, Cirebon origin and his mother, Pinah, of Batavia.
Pitung became famous not only for his courage against the Dutch, but also concern for the fate of the oppressed by the Dutch and landlords."At that time, the social life of the community are not humane. The landlord did not hesitate to ask for higher taxes to farmers. If farmers can not immediately pay the tax in accordance with the fall due, then the landlord's goons will force the farmers to the rugged ways. Well in a situation like that, comes the Si Pitung, "said Alwi Shahab, author novel Pitung, Robin Hood Betawi.
On his way, Si Pitung not only protect people from the goons (hired warriors) of the landlords, but also robbing their property, and then distribute them to poor people. The Pitung lunge toward this, not just landlords who are not calm, but also the Netherlands. "Jakarta is not safe. Eventually the Dutch lower Hinne Schout van, the police chief to arrest Si Pitung, "he continued.
AS a fugitive, Pitung not have a definite place to stay. That said, he had lived in Depok city, precisely in one of the buildings owned by a Dutch nobleman, Cornelis Chastelein. Depok residents often refer to older buildings as house cottage China, because it is situated in the Village of Cottage China, District Beji.
Unfortunately, the old building located on Jalan Raya Margonda is gone. Buildings to witness history in Depok has been besieged by a mall named supermegah Margonda City. Indeed, the construction project Margonda City not to evict the building. Even so, the function of the building was turned into a cafe.
Other stories, Pitung also lived in Kampung Marunda, both in the Masjid Al Alam or at home joglo Marundo Pulo village.
Many versions of Pitung relationship with Al Alam mosque. Some say that Masjid Al Alam is the place to play Pitung, religious study, learn a blow to OPAS and hidden from the Company. But there is also a saying when Pitung only a brief stop at Masjid Al Alam to establish prayer. Two opinion is becoming stronger because there is no physical evidence that could explain the presence of Pitung at the mosque, except the public's understanding about that Pitung been in the mosque.In addition to the Al Alam, pitung also set foot in the village of Pulo Marunda, precisely in the form joglo house located approximately 250 m to the south of the mosque of Al Alam. As with the Masjid Al Alam, a variety of opinion explain the relationship with the home joglo Pitung this. Some say that the house belonged Pitung, but also there is an argument that explains that the house belonged to a rich man who had disatroni Pitung and his followers. "The museum claimed it belonged to the Pitung. When in fact it belongs to the rich and ever digarong same Marunda Pitung, "said Sambo bin Ishak M, vice-chairman of the board of Masjid Al Alam.
Not nativeHOUSE stage was originally built three bedroom, but then two of them removed so that only one room, without furniture. 15 meters in length and width of five meters. In the middle there is an additional wing on either side, each 1.5 meters. Everything is made of teak wood board, and there are some parts of iron, like the bars of the windows and roof support.
Existing buildings stanchion 40 pieces, two feet high, two-meter high building also. Because of its shape like that, the room seemed short, especially if you go through the door, visitors have to duck.
Floors of teak wood board, skillful still new. There is a ten-leaf doors and windows are barred, while the other two without bars and leaves. Windows during the day it is always open. In the winner's home Betawi lived for several years after being chased and finally caught the Netherlands, died and was buried in Slaughter said.
If the tides, the yard and the house under the sea flooded up to 50 cm. Building paint is faded blood red.
Atit Fauzi H, figure Marunda Pulo, once said that the house Pitung was not the original building, except for the location where the house was built. The house formerly owned by the original sero fishing skipper, namely Haji Syafiuddin.
While the homeowner is changing the name, originated from the city government effort to perpetuate the name Pitung, and subsequently designated as heritage in 1992.Share this:
Pocong Ghost from Indonesia
Pocong, or shroud is a term that refers to a corpse wrapped in a shroud. The term comes from the Javanese, but later expanded its use in the Indonesian language. The imposition of the shroud is usually done after the body is washed, and the main body of the seventh hole (two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, and anus) corked cotton.
Pocong often presented as one manifestation of a ghost in the legend in Indonesia, and the coloring is strong enough national horror film genre.
Rencong Weapon from Aceh Indonesia
Rencong (Reuncong) is the traditional weapon of Aceh. Rencong symbol of greatness apart from the nobility, is a symbol of the courage of the fighters and the people of Aceh in the struggle. Rencong existence as a symbol of courage and heroism of the people of Aceh shows that virtually every fighter in Aceh, equip himself with rencong as a means of self defense. But now, after no longer commonly used as a means of self defense, rencong changed into souvenir items that can be found in almost all the typical craft store Aceh.
Shaped form of the phrase bismillah rencong, the handle is curved and thickened at the elbow is Arabic Ba Sin bujuran handle merupaka script, the form of declining pointed down to the base metal near the handle is a script Mim, iron columns from the base of the handle until the end of the script Lam , the tip is tapered with the upper plateau and leveled off slightly above the bottom of the script Ha.
From the character string of Ba, Sin, Lam, and Ha realize that the sentence Bismillah. So the blacksmith who first made rencong, but clever maqrifat iron also has a high knowledge of calligraphy. Therefore, rencong not used to the little things that are not important, especially for the heinous act, but rencong used only to defend themselves from enemy attacks and the fight in Allah.
Powerful Rencong usually made of iron-iron option, which is coherent with the metal in gold, silver, copper, lead and toxic substances are poisonous to when facing opponents in battle are immune to the iron, the person will be able to penetrated rencong.
The handle is shaped rencong there some are straight and curved upwards. Rencong the handle curved upwards rencong Meucungkek called, the handle is usually made of ivory and horn options.
Meucungkek form intended to prevent the occurrence of excessive respect for fellow human beings, due to the intrinsic danger of honor belongs to Allah alone. That is, if the inserted section rencong meucungkek waist or center section, then that person could not bow his head or body membongkokkan to pay homage to someone else because her stomach will be depressed by meucungkek handle it.
The handle is also intended to meucungkek, at crucial moments can easily be drawn from its scabbard and will not easily escape from the grip. One thing that distinguishes rencong with other traditional weapons are never sharpened rencong because only its tip to be used.Table of contents[Hide]
* 1 Type Rencong
o 1.1 Rencong Meucugek
o 1.2 Rencong Meupucok
o 1.3 Rencong Pudoi
o 1.4 Rencong Meukure
* 2 Source
Types Rencong
There are four kinds of weapons are rencong the people of Aceh are:
* Rencong Meucugek
* Rencong Meupucok
* Rencong Pudoi
* Rencong Meukure
Rencong Meucugek
Meucugek rencong called because the handle is there a form rencong archery and adhesives in terms of so-called cugek or meucugek Aceh.Rencong Meupucok
Rencong shoots above the handle is made of metal engraving generally of ivory or gold. The base of the handle decorated with patterned gold tumpal (pucok bamboo shoots) and given up the gems ditampuk, rencong overall length of about 30 cm. Gloves rencong also made of ivory and given a bond with gold. Blades are made of white metal.Rencong Pudoi
The term pudoi Acehnese society is something that is deemed to be a deficiency or there is not perfect. The handle is just a straight rencong only and short. So, the question that has not sempuna pudo or is in the form of the handle rencong.Rencong Meukure
Rencong rencong differences with other species is in the eye rencong. Rencong eye ornate such as pictures of snakes, centipedes and other flowers.
* Site Prov. NAD
Cendrawasih Bird from Indonesia
The birds of paradise are members of the order Passeriformes family Paradisaeidae. They are found in eastern Indonesia, Torres Strait Islands, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Australia. This family of birds known for their feathers in male birds of many kinds, especially the fur is very long and complex that grew out of the beak, wings or head. Size of Paradise birds of paradise from the King at 50 grams and 15 cm up to half-crescent of Paradise Black Paradise at 110 cm and Manukod crested rolling on 430-gram.
The most famous birds of paradise are members of the genus Paradisaea, including its type species, a large yellow paradise, Paradisaea apoda. This species is described from specimens brought to Europe from trading expeditions. The specimen was prepared by native traders by removing the wings and legs in order to be decorated. It is not known by the explorers and lead to the belief that these birds never landed but remain in the air because of the feathers. This is the origin of the name of the bird of paradise ('bird paradise' by the British) and apoda type name - which means 'no legs'.
Many species have elaborate mating ritual, mating system types Paradisaea are male birds gather to compete at the bird show keelokannya females to mate. While other types such as the types and Parotia Cicinnurus have an irregular marriage dance. Males in sexually dimorphic species are polygamous. Many birds are described as a hybrid of new species, and several species of doubtful kevalidannya.
The number of eggs a little less certain. On the type of large, perhaps almost always one egg. Small types can produce as many as 2-3 eggs (Mackay 1990).Table of contents
* 1 Species
* 2 Relationship with Humans
* 3 References
* 4 External links
5 See also
[Edit] Species
Genus Lycocorax
* Paradise Crow, Lycocorax pyrrhopterus
Genus Manucodia
* Manukodia Glossy, Manucodia atra
* Manukodia Jobi, Manucodia jobiensis
* Manukodia Neck-lined, Manucodia chalybata
* Manukodia crest-rolled, Manucodia comrii
* Manukodia trumpet, Manucodia keraudrenii
Genus Paradigalla
* Paradigala tail-length, Paradigalla carunculata
* Short-Tailed Paradigala, Paradigalla brevicauda
Genus Astrapia
* Astrapia Arfak, Astrapia nigra
* Elegant Astrapia, Astrapia splendidissima
* Astrapia tail-streamers, Astrapia mayeri
* Astrapia Stephanie, Astrapia stephaniae
* Astrapia Huon, Astrapia rothschildi
Genus Parotia
* Parotia Arfak, Parotia sefilata
* Parotia Karola, Parotia carolae
* Parotia Berlepschi, Parotia berlepschi
* Parotia Lawes, Parotia lawesii
* East Parotia, Parotia helenae
* Parotia Wahnes, Parotia wahnesi
Genus Pteridophora
* Flag of Paradise, Pteridophora Alberti
Genus Lophorina
* Paradise collar, Lophorina superba
Genus Ptiloris
* Shining Toowa Ptiloris magnificus
* Eastern Toowa Ptiloris intercedens
* Heaven Toowa Ptiloris paradiseus
* Viktoria Toowa Ptiloris victoriae
Genus Epimachus
* Part-sickle Kurikuri, Epimachus fastuosus
* Part-brown crescent, Epimachus meyeri
* Part-crescent half-black, Epimachus albertisi
* Part-Part-pale crescent, Epimachus bruijnii
Genus Cicinnurus
* Paradise Cut-cane, Cicinnurus magnificus
* Paradise Balding, Cicinnurus respublica
* Paradise King, Cicinnurus regius
Genus Semioptera
* Angel Halmahera Semioptera wallacii
Genus Seleucidis
* Paradise Dead-wire, Seleucidis melanoleuca
Genus Paradisaea
* Paradise Yellow-minor, minor Paradisaea
* Paradise Yellow-large, Paradisaea apoda
* Paradise Raggiana, Paradisaea raggiana
* Paradise Goldi, Paradisaea decora
* Red Paradise, Paradisaea rubra
* Paradise Emperor, Paradisaea guilielmi
* Paradise Blue, Paradisaea Rudolphi
"Melampitta" Large
* Large Melampitta, "Melampitta" gigantea - are here for a while
Previously grouped here
* Paradise Loria, Cnemophilus loriae - perhaps more closely related to Melanocharitidae (pematuk berries) (Cracraft & Feinstein 2000).
* Paradise Crest, Cnemophilus macgregorii - perhaps more closely related to Melanocharitidae (Cracraft & Feinstein 2000).
* Paradise Dada-yellow, Loboparadisea sericea - probably more closely related to Melanocharitidae (Cracraft & Feinstein 2000).
* Vacuum-honey Elegant (formerly "beautiful Paradise"), Macgregoria Pulchra - recently found a honey-sucking birds (Cracraft & Feinstein 2000).
* Small Melampitta, Melampitta lugubris - for some time while stationed here; may include Orthonychidae
[Edit] Relationship with Humans
Communities in Papua often wears fur clothing and customs of paradise in them, and a few centuries ago it is important to be made fur hats women in Europe. Poaching for fur and destruction of habitat have led to decrease in the number of birds in several species to a level terancm; destruction of habitat due to deforestation is now the main threat.
Hunting birds of paradise to be taken to trade fur hat to bloom in the late 19th and early 20th century (Cribb 1997), but now the birds are protected and hunting is only allowed for the celebration of the needs of the local tribes. In the case of Paradise Flag, it is advisable to take home a nest of birds Namdur. When King Mahendra of Nepal to the throne in 1955, turned out of paradise feathers on the crown of the kingdom of Nepal need to be replaced. Because the hunting ban, replacements were allowed from the items that were seized by the laws of the United States.
Adult birds of paradise depicted on the flag of Papua New Guinea. David Attenborough has expressed some birds of paradise as a kind of favorite animal, maybe he likes Cendrawasih Baldy.
Mandau Saber From Kalimantan Indonesia
Bladed saber is a kind of machete comes from Borneo Dayak culture. Saber is one of Indonesia's traditional weapons. In contrast to the charcoal, the saber has a carving - carving on the blade is not sharp. Are also encountered additional holes in the blade is covered with a brass or copper with a view to beautify the saber blades.Table of contents
* 1 tainted
* 2 Threshold
* 3 The raw materials and prices
* 4 References
* 5 External links
[Edit] tainted
Tainted is the sheath blade saber. Tainted made of wood, covered with deer antlers, and usually decorated with carvings. In the saber was given tainted tempuser Act, which is made of woven ties uei (rattan). In addition to such well bound tainted bag made of bark and wood contain penyerut ivory knife believed to be able to resist the beast. Tersarungkan the saber which is usually tied around the waist tainted with braided rattan.[Edit] Threshold
Threshold is the designation for the saber is made of ordinary iron. Often used as a souvenir. Lay people or people who are not accustomed to seeing or holding the saber would be difficult to distinguish between the saber with the threshold as if seen by naked eye are both almost the same. However, both are very different. But if we look in more detail it will show a very striking difference, namely the saber are carved or inlaid with gold, copper, or silver and the saber is more powerful and flexible, because the saber is made of volcanic rock that contains iron and processed by an expert. While the threshold is only made of ordinary iron.[Edit] The raw material and price
According to the literature in the Museum Balanga, Palangkaraya, saber raw material is iron (Sanaman) located in the upper mantikei Matikei River, Village tumbles Atei, Sanaman Matikei, Katingan. This iron is flexible, so easy to bend. The original saber price starts from Rp. 1 million dollars. The original saber-old and older have a strong steel prices could reach Rp. 20 million dollars per blade. Raw material can also use regular saber iron per car, chainsaw blades, discs other vehicles and iron rods. Working tool is a hammer which is used primarily, betel, and pointed to a hole sebasang iron saber for garnish. Also used an electric-powered air blower to illuminate the flame waste ironwood he used to heat the iron. Ironwood was chosen because it can generate more heat than other wood.
Saber to cideramata usually wooden-handled, prices range from Rp. 50,000 to Rp. 300 000 depending on the iron used. The original saber has penyang, penyang-set is a collection of Dayak tribal knowledge gained from the results of an ascetic or user ancestor who used to go to war. Penyang will make the person holding the saber powerful, strong and invulnerable in the face of the enemy. penyang is a saber and a unity that can not be separated from generation to generation of ancestors.[Edit] References
* Compass, Monday, May 8, 2006. Homeland binoculars: Saber Weapon Lestarinya Typical Dayak. Thing. 36
* Black Belt in July 1970
Dongkrek Art from Madiun City east java Indonesia
dongkrek you know what it is? I suspect many of you who dont know dongkrek, same as I was too hehe. but the tail of bloggers who I know he knows dongkrek = Anton. Alhamdulillah, yesterday we had what it dongkrek clay, live.
catetan: seniman2 dongkrek of Madison began perform exactly at 19:00 (+0700), dated 10 November 2007, the festival durasim cak. probably not important, but I respect bener2 the timeliness of their performances. dg different story guangzhou art ensemble first, haha ... never mind.
dung crick
so, what is it dongkrek? dongkrek name inspired by the sound of musical instruments who accompanied him. the sound of 'dung' comes from the drum, and a "crick" comes from a musical instrument which is called a match. if ya same bedugnya dg bedug2 banality we see in the mosque (cuman probably smaller). interesting that a match, a match is not no counterpart in the other arts, is in dongkrek cuman. so typical of the art dongkrek. just click the image to enlarge.
dongkrek musical instruments: drum, lighters, kentongan, kenong, iron gong, gong kempul, drums. dongkrek mask equipment: mask of the parent, daughter mask, mask gendruwo / Buto, as well as public mask and sling.
dongkrek is folk art, which can be played by anak2. dongkrek has a philosophy to drive pegeblug or pestilential plagues society, as well as for starting reinforcements, as well as reduce the ugliness.
Historically, dongkrek first popularized in 1910 by R. Prawirodipura Lo Bei, a bar (?) In the caruban. dongkrek has many versions: from Madison south, from takeran, up from ngawi also exist. all versions of it for good, right philosophy for starting reinforcements, to reduce the ugliness.
1973, dongkrek explored and developed by the department of Education and Madison counties and the department of P and K in East Java province. working on dance was held in 1980 by Mr. Suwondo, head of district culture madison sexy. but the longer this dongkrek the sink, so it would not famous. dongkrek beginning of 2002 brought the art of "Condro Budoyo" follow festival2 out of Madison, including the cak durasim festival, Surabaya. sampek even appear in the court of all.
Origin of the City Reog Ponorogo from Indonesia
When hearing the name everyone will associate with the famous art valuable to the country, Reyog PONOROGO. Many of us have heard and learned about the history of the origin of Reog Ponorogo, but we already know the history of the origins of the city is the birthplace of Reyog?
It is time we recognize and introduce it to others (students) about the history of this city Ponorogo. By knowing more about Roxburgh, is expected to foster a love of Roxburgh. In addition to learning about the history and mentauladani Ponorogo can appreciate the struggles the founders of Roxburgh.
In the year 1478 AD the kingdom of Majapahit fell and fame has gone and then came the new kingdom under the leadership of the Kingdom of Demak Broken Raden. Raden Bathara Katong who was the son of the king of Majapahit UB V joined by his brother Prince Fractures in the Kingdom of Demak. Raden Bathara Katong educated brother with the teachings of Islam.
As adults Raden Bathara Katong given the task by Raden Patah to go to Wengker to investigate the area along Senapati Sela Aji. Wengker is an area located east of Mount Lawu. Southern boundary is the southern ocean, the eastern boundary is the Mount Wilis and the northern boundary is the area of Majapahit. Raden Bathara Katong and Senapati Sela Wengker Aji arrived in the region when it was getting dark. They began to run errands because of confusion do not know the ins and outs of Wengker, plus a day that began stepping on the night. Fortunately, from a distance looks a lit flame. They rushed to the place of origin of the fire burning. After the flames were seen near the center of a simple house next to the building there is a small mosque.
The arrival of Katong and Senapati Bathara Raden Aji Sela and gladly welcomed by homeowners and small mosque, which is an old man. The old man introduced himself by name Mirah Ageng Kiai. Raden Bathara Katong and Senapati Sela Aji frankly admitted if they are the messengers of the Kingdom of Demak to investigate Wengker area.
Kiai Ageng Mirah feel great pleasure to receive visitors from the Kingdom of Demak. Both are then invited to evening prayers in congregation. After the prayer was over Kiai Ageng Mirah began telling me the ins and outs and outlines Wengker area. After a day late, Kia Ageng Mirah told them to stay at home.
The next day came with Mirah Ageng Kia Raden Bathara Katong and Senapati Sela Aji look - look at the situation. Once is enough Raden Bathara Katong and Sela Aji Demak by referring back to the Ki Ageng penyelidikkannya Mirah to report results. After hearing a report from Bathara Katong, Raden Raden Bathara Broken decided to appoint as ruler Wengker Katong, and raised Senapati Sela Aji as governor. While Ki Ageng Mirah was appointed an adviser. Raden Bathara Katong with Sela duke Aji and Ki Ageng Mirah returned to Wengker. They were accompanied by 40 soldiers Demak Wengker to open forest. Arriving in Wengker they are busy looking for a suitable place to set up a duchy. Until finally they reached the forest Glagah that smells fragrant. Raden Bathara Katong member name Glagah Fragrant woods. This group started in the forest clearing.
Work of clearing was completed, then proceed to build a home. But in making this residence a hitch. When the house has been established over the next day the houses are collapsed again. Ki Ageng Mirah know if there is a disturbing creatures. Ki Ageng Mirah then invited Raden Bathara Katong to be imprisoned. At midnight came the magic that is out of the wind and suddenly two huge creature. They claimed that the forest watchman opened Raden Bathara Katong, they named Jayadrana and Jayadipa. Then Raden Bathara Katong requested permission to them to establish a place of the duchy. After getting permission from Jayadipa Jayadrana and development can be completed smoothly. Jayadipa are later shows a suitable place for the city center. The place was in the middle of the forest have been opened. This place also Raden Bathara Katong find three treasures. The first heritage shaped umbrella called Umbrella stumps Wulung, heritage both in the form of stumps spear spear named Dragon. And inheritance of the third form of belt called Belt Chinde Puspita.
At Raden Bathara three treasures Katong take place three times a huge explosion and rushed to the ground. Land - land which is then poured to form the five hills. The hills there are called the Five Mountains and Mount pikul. While the blast hole into a cave called Goa Sigala Gala. The third turned out my father's heritage is Raden terrsebut Bathara Katong, King Brawijaya V. At that time under the leadership of the King of Majapahit UB V was attacked by King Girindrawardana. Then the king fled to Wengker UB with Jayadrana and Jayadipa.
Raden Bathara Wengker Katong more stable build after getting the legacy of his parents. Wengker development began to flourish as well. Berhassil forest has opened. The house has been established, many immigrants who joined in it. Eventually formed a new duchy. But unfortunately the city does not have a name. For member city name, Raden Bathara Katong held deliberations. From the discussion it was agreed a new name for the town, the name is Pramod Rogo. Pramono means the union of sun and moon that illuminates life on earth, and the mean body Rogo. Rogo Pramono name was gradually changed to Roxburgh. Pono means to know all things, and Rogo the human body tells us. So Ponorogo mean man who knows his position as a human being.
Kamis, 05 Juli 2012
Wiro Sableng or Swordsman 212, is the name of a fictional character in the book series written by Bastian Tito. Wiro Saksana born with the name Wira as a baby who has been trained by a teacher who in the world of martial tekenal with Gendeng Sinto name. Wiro is a warrior with ax weapons Death Naga Geni 212 and has a tattoo "212" on his chest. Wiro has many supernatural powers gained during his adventures in the martial world, from various teachers.Table of contents
* 1 The Author
o 1.1 Writing Books
o 1.2 Survey Sites
o 1.3 I Always Carry Recorder Tool
o 1.4 Bestselling Title of Book (terms of trade successfully orbit)
o 1.5 The author free time
* 2 Character Swordsman 212 Wiro Sableng
* 3 The weapons Wiro Sableng
3.1 Axes 212 Death Naga Geni
3.2 Black Stone 212
212 3.3 Stars
* 4 Some miracle Wiro Sableng
o 4.1 Tigers blow Gods
o 4.2 Punch Sun
o 4.3 The wind blows Ice
o 4.4 The wind blows Quail
o 4.5 The blow hurricanes displacing the mountain god
o 4.6 hit the storm blows ocean Citadel
o 4.7 Kunyuk throws fruit punch
o 4.8 The Mad Science silat
o 4.9 The Wind Blow Overwrite Wall-rest
o 4:10 Swordsman Sword Sword Arts Hereafter
* 5 More Complete List of supernatural Wiro Sableng
o 5.1 BLOW SAKTI [17 strokes]
o 5.2 SILAT stance [19 moves]
o 5.3 SCIENCE miracle [15 science]
* First Episode 6 The emergence of the Main Figures
* Some link Episode 7
o 7.1 Episode Four bearded From Goa Sanggreng, Death Singing Pajajaran & Revenge On The Way People
o 7.2 Episodes & Hell Kris victimizing Wilayuda Skull Valley
7.3 o Swordsman Episode Three Flowers & Damned Picker Devils Blood And Fire Wind Whips
o 7.4 Episode Three Devils Blood And Whips Wind & Fire Demon Goddess of Mount stumps
o Demon Goddess Episode 7.5 stumps & Flood Bukit Tambun Blood In Bone
o The emergence of Sinto Gendeng Episode 7.6, the Bloody Lake Gold & Blue bearded devil
Episode 7.7 o Sun Prince Of The peak of Merapi, Rogues & Commander Fugitive From Susukan
o 7.8 Episodes & Damn Ki Ki Ageng stumps stumps Ageng Hereafter
o Episode 7.9 Day of Days Goddamn, Bujang Gila Way & Purnama Bloody Footprint
* 8 Adaptation
o 8.1 Starring: Tony Hidayat
o 8.2 Cast: Ken Ken
o 8.3 Cast: Abhie Cancer
* 9 Copyright
* 10 External links
[Edit] The Author[Edit] Writing Books
A. In completing an episode on average spent 3 weeks
2. Typing done by the authors themselves, for the editing and completion of a book done by assistants
3. Swordsman 212 serial write once, usually at the same time the writer completed immediately 2 to 3 books
4. The publication of a new episode in the stock market depends on the next story or the next book to be published, so if the delay means having the next book stock is running out while the author was still in the process of completing the writing
5. If the amount of book stock to be issued out while the author was still in the process of writing usually be a delay publishing for more than 2 to 3 months
6. This delay is usually caused by the length of time spent on the author to survey the places visited for the sake of writing
[Edit] Survey Sites
A. To strengthen and increase the quality of the story, the author immediately visited and surveyed the place or area that will be in serial Swordsman 212
2. To one where it usually takes up to 2 weeks so I can really find out customs, culture, legends and stories of local communities and linked to the situation, nature and circumstances of the past
[Edit] Author Always Brings Recorder Tool
A. Wherever I went always carry a tape recorder
2. This is done to record everything seen and heard the author, so all what is seen and heard the conversation that the author sometimes poured into the book, so it is not surprising that the content of the story, the conversation of the characters, the style of language and writing style was really the author life
3. Of course it must be accompanied adequate knowledge and talent to become a good writer
[Edit] Bestselling Title of Book (terms of trade successfully orbit)
A. Serial Wiro Sableng successfully reach 2 times the orbit, ie in 1989 and 1994
2. Successful book publications orbit was long but look back and demand in the 90's
3. Two books successfully orbit titled Tomb Devil Without a headstone and Vases
4. Without the title of the Tomb of Nisan exploded exemplar 921 020 1989
5. Title Jar Satan exemplar burst of 1994 924 078
6. Here are 10 Swordsman 212 serial titles are selling in addition to the above two titles (averaging over 800 000 copies sold): Storms In Parang Tritis, Wiro Create Sableng Mask, the Devil's will, Geger In Pangandaran, Judgment In Pangandaran, Eclipses The Elephant Mungkur, Back to the Land of Java, Senandung Death, Death Second and last episode newborn baby In a Jar
[Edit] The author of leisure
A. The author loves the game of chess, one of the preferred author of chess that is where bidaknya always black and white
2. Of course, the main author spent his spare time to meet, mingle and occasional outings with family
[Edit] Character Swordsman 212 Wiro Sableng
When examined, was once a change in the character, nature and Wiro attitudes over time and age. Since Wiro still young and still-sablengnya sableng to adults, little by little turned into a more thoughtful personality and his thinking is more mature and reduce kesablengannya that sometimes hurt the feelings of others.
Although a bit nosy and much cherished even liked pretty girls, but Wiro not the kind of asshole men pengobral love. Moreover, starting from episode Testament of Satan and so on, Wiro undergone a process of maturation in itself, ranging from ways of thinking and attitudes and behavior.
So far Wiro never express their feelings directly only to the two girls alone, namely East Wind Flower and Angel. After revealing the words of affection and love of flowers, just to the East Wind is Wiro Angel back his feelings. That, too, because there are strong reasons why Wiro could eventually unite with Flowers. When Wiro reveal her heart to the Angels of East Wind was far enough behind the difference in time to the time where Wiro declare his love for flowers.
Wiro ever loved or loves another girl but the girls on top, but it all just Wiro buried in the heart and not directly Wiro even describe with words. Moreover, when finally Wiro know that the girl he loved other men prefer, we chose the better swordsman retreat and give up the girl to go for the happiness of her loved ones.
Maybe we were wrong, but try the companions read back and look at the episode where Wiro sell these words seriously love the three girls in addition to the above. This might be a little open eyes and hearts to what kind of person and character of Swordsman 212 Wiro Sableng actually.
Certainly a different impression would be felt by the friends who had just read the whole bible, or have read but do not really follow, or even just read just after it. To understand the personal and the character development of a Swordsman 212 Wiro Sableng, we should read the whole bible, be great if in order. Read the rest of his book were it not suffice if just once, but must be repeated routinely performed for many years so it's really pervasive in our hearts and our conscience. That's when we'll actually know what the deepest secrets and mysteries behind the serial Swordsman 212 Wiro Sableng this.[Edit] Weapons Wiro Sableng[Edit] Death Naga Geni ax 212
Wiro Sableng main weapon. A large double-edged ax, the handle of a flute and the tip of the head of a dragon-shaped handles. In each of the axes engraved 212 figures. In the first series Wiro Sableng: "Four of Goa Sanggreng beard", said that the ax is made of metal and ivory. Carved dragon's mouth can shoot poisonous needles, by pressing a secret button on the ax. "Flute" at the handle of the ax can be blown and the sound is very powerful. Some enemies Wiro Sableng that can not be killed by another miracle, can be defeated or killed by the sound of this flute, for example: Lil Demon of the Hill episode stumps on the Demon Goddess of Mount stumps, or grandmother Arashi episode Swordsman on Mount Fuji. These new axes can be used to exert power within. Tebasannya looks like white light and a noise like the hum of hundreds of bees. These axes also contain a deadly poison. Three episodes of Blood on Satan's Whip of Fire and Wind, at the end of the episode, the holder of Fire Wind Whips killed by this poison, ax cut down after breaking his hand Death Naga Geni 212.[Edit] Black Stone 212
Black rock (coal? Coal Briquette?) A palm-sized adults, 212 carved figures. If it is pitted with black stone eyes of Death Naga Geni ax 212, can be sprinkled bursts of very hot fire.[Edit] Star 212
Secret weapon star-shaped with carved figures 212, used in a manner thrown in, such weapons "shuriken" ninja's. 212 stars are used in a scapegoat Keris episode Wilayuda Painting Naked and Secrets[Edit] Some of his supernatural powers Wiro Sableng[Edit] Gods Tiger Punch
Inherited by Datuk Rao Basaluang Ameh, creatures half-human half spirit of the islands Andalas. Begins with the blowing in the right hand that conjures images of white tiger head (Datuk Rao Bamato Green), this blow could destroy everything without the need to force the. Only a few major enemies Wiro Sableng that can break / offset the blow of this god Tiger, like Datuk Valley Hereafter, which has the equivalent power of the Gods (obtained from the sucking power of the warriors in the other).[Edit] Punch Sun
Taught Sinto Sinto Weni Gendeng alias. Form of blinding light silvery-white very hot. Starting from silvery white light emanating from the hand, then the hand is moved with the beat, and the silver-white light shot to the opponent (energy blast / energy shot). Power of this punch is a very high temperature, and the episode Lightning In Singosari, blow sunshine can melt the mentioned iron handcuffs. Punch the Sun is also very useful in the world that can be issued batin.Terutama His spirit from His body for a while.[Edit] The wind blows Ice
Sinto Gendeng taught. The form of very cold temperatures. Able to make the opponent can not move because it is very cold. Movement is a lifting of the hands and palms developed and rotated slowly, then the air temperature around the site began to cool and can make the opponent intended to be rigid as snow. This miracle of science is used Wiro when facing an enemy who has supernatural powers cored fire or heat. Living corpse of Mount Klabat Wiro defeated by this blow.[Edit] The wind blows Quail
Sinto Gendeng taught. The form of wind blows very hard.[Edit] The blow hurricanes displacing the mountain god
Crazy Parents Taught. The form of wind blows very hard.[Edit] The blow struck the ocean Fortress Typhoon
The form of wind blows very hard.[Edit] The blow threw fruit Kunyuk
Wind blows in the form of a swift and heavy, like a large rock being thrown.[Edit] The Mad Science silat
Crazy Parents Taught, teachers uncle (brother seperguruan sinto eccentric grandparents) Wiro Andalas Island (now the island of Sumatra). Movements in the form of silat (martial arts) that looks ridiculous and crazy people like movement, but very dangerous.[Edit] The Wind Blow Overwrite Wall-rest
Taught Sinto Gendeng, a mighty wind that blows and the storm followed one after another spread with a single blow. The specialty of this punch is a function that is 3 in 1; can be used to attack, survived, as well as return the opponent's attack to the owner.[Edit] Science Swordsman Sword Sword Hereafter
Taught dedengkot jungle kangouw China, Swordsman Sword Hereafter (Long Sam Kun), the form of three high-level stance swordsmanship, each named Cip-hian Jay-bong (Suddenly Appears the Rainbow), Lo-han Ciang-yau (Angel of Subduing phantom) and Kui Sin-ki-GOK (Crying Angel Devil wailing).[Edit] More Complete List of supernatural Wiro Sableng[Edit] BLOW SAKTI [17 strokes]
Sinto Gendeng (8 strokes)
A. Sunshine blows
2. The wind blows Quail
3. The wind blows Ice
4. Throw a punch Kunyuk Fruit
5. Hit Castle Ocean Cyclone blows
6. The waves hit the reef a roll punch
7. The rain hit the shield blows Way
8. Wind blows Overwrite walls rest on
Crazy old (2 stroke)
A. Evicting Cyclone blows Mountain Gods
2. Grabbing Lightning blows the summit of Mount
White Book of God's will (7 strokes)
A. Tigers blow Gods
2. Hit the sun god's hand punch
3. Hand punch Hit Rock Gods
4. Hit the moon god's hand punch
5. Hand punch Hit God of the Flood
6. Hand punch Hit God of Fire
7. Hand punch Land Hit Deity
[Edit] Kick SILAT [19 moves]
Sinto Gendeng (13 moves)
A. The moon moves Archery Window Opens
2. Lightning Behind the Mountain Punch Kick
3. Kick Titiran Fly To Heaven
4. Swallow Kick Through the Clouds
5. The head moves infiltrate Cloud Dragon
6. Bukit Naga Snake stance Menggelung
7. Patting Mount Punch Kick Hill
8. The Gila race Kick Flies
9. Spinning Wheel Kick Rice
10. Fan Kick-Way Open
11. Dragon Tail Kick Sebatkan
12. Kick whip Menabas Sakti monument
13. Darting Stone Mountain erupts Kick Out Of Crater
Crazy old (4 moves)
A. The Gila martial arts stance
2. Kick a storm hit the waves
3. Crazy Pitch To Kick The Clouds
4. Snake Tree Crazy Kick interesting twist Gendewa
Swordsman Sword Hereafter (3 moves)
A. Kick swordsmanship Suddenly Appears the Rainbow / Cip Jay Hian Hong
2. Subduing Kick swordsmanship Angel Demon / Lo Han Yau Ciang
3. Kick Satan swordsmanship wailing Angels Cry / Gok Sin Kui Ki
[Edit] SCIENCE miracle [15 science]
Sinto Gendeng (4 science)
A. Soil Science Infiltrate Eels
2. Foot Wind ran Sciences
3. Sound science smuggle
4. Science 212 soles blow
5. A pair of core science of the Spirit
Grandma Cat Face / Neko (1 science)
A. Science Koppo / Breaking Bones
Queen of Mermaids (1 science)
A. Through the science of View
White Book of God's will (1 science)
A. A pair of Sciences Sword Gods
King sleeper (1 science)
A. Science Silat Sleeping People
Luhrembulan (1 science)
A. Splitting Earth Sciences Sucking Spirits
Without intention Datuk Formlessness (1 science)
A. Four Quarters Wind Spreading Science Voice
Ghosts Selaksa Wind (1 science)
A. Holding science Switch Bodies Blood
Nyi Roro Manggut (1 science)
A. Science Meraga Sukma
Kumara Gandamayana (1 science)
A. Breathe In Science Log and Soil
Goddess Loro Jonggrang (1 science)
A. Hand Motion Language Sciences Dumb People
Grandma Wawu Kalidhati (1 science)
A. Three Shadows Protective Sports Science
[Edit] The emergence of First Episode Major Figures
Here are the episodes that tell the first time the emergence of some major figures:
Tuak gods and Anggini
Singing In the episode Death Pajajaran
Grandfather All Know
Secret episode Naked Painting
Crazy old
Flood episode Blood In Bone Tambun
Amber and Pandansuri Nyanyuk
King episode Rencong North
King sleeper
Demon episode Gulf Gonggo
Prince of the Sun and The Home Wreck
episodes of Prince of the Sun From the peak of Merapi
Flowers / Holy
Flower Goddess Mysteries episode Bodies
Tread flunky Crazy Way
Goddamn Day Day episode (in this episode Gila Bujang not mention his name);
Crazy episode Bujang Tread Way;
Bloody Purnama episode;
Gods and Gods Sad Laugh
Lightning In episode and episode Singasari Rainbow Majapahit
Angels of East Wind
Jar episode Satan
The Snake Goddess and Human Nails Sandaka
Spikes Man episode Revenge
Queen of Mermaids
8 episode series Testament Satan[Edit] Relation Some Episodes
Here's a little review / notes on several episodes of the serial connection Swordsman 212 Wiro Padepokan212 Sableng is the reason for making the order of the second version of the episode:[Edit] Episode Four bearded From Goa Sanggreng, Death Singing Pajajaran & Revenge On The Way People
The third episode is the beginning of a three episode series Death Dragon Warrior Axes 212 Wiro Sableng Geni. Because these three episodes have close links with each other, then I made a series of episodes.
In episode four bearded From Goa Sanggreng Wiro tell about since I was a baby when his parents were killed by Suranyali (Mahesa Birawa). When the house burned down his parents, Sinto Gendeng help Wiro who was still a baby from the burning house. Wiro taken to the summit of Mount Gede and serve students by Sinto Gendeng. Having trained for 17 years by Sinto Gendeng, Wiro finally get off the mountain. His first mission was to take revenge the death of his parents. When he returned to his native village, which is found only Kalingundil Wiro which is Suranyali subordinates. When it is at odds with the conspiracy Kalingundil Four bearded From Goa Sanggreng. At the end of the episode, Kalingundil lost one of his hands when dealing with Wiro.
Suranyali itself can only be found in the episode Death Wiro Singing In Pajajaran. At that time the name was changed to Mahesa Suranyali Birawa and help the rebels who attacked the kingdom Pajajaran. In this episode Wiro successfully completed his revenge against Suranyali (Mahesa Birawa).
In the episode Revenge of Persons Way, out of spite, slander Kalingundil Wiro martial for killing a number of figures. On the summit of Mount Tangkuban Perahu all arts leaders who have close relationships with people who were killed together to make calculations with 212 Wiro Sableng Swordsman.[Edit] Episode Keris victimizing Wilayuda & Hell Skull Valley
The second link is only on episode Anggini emergence as the Goddess of the Blue Veil respectively.[Edit] Episode Cursed Swordsman Flower Picker & Three Devils Blood And Fire Wind Whips
This episode is only the second link on the emergence of Sekar. Where after successfully crushing the evil Swordsman Accursed Flower Picker, Wiro episode was accompanied by Sekar at Three Devils Blood And Fire Wind Whips.[Edit] Episode Three Devils Blood And Whips Wind & Fire Demon Goddess of Mount stumps
Regard this episode only at Grandma's ears reappearance sickle Sakti with his teacher at the Mount Demon Goddess episode stumps. Grandma wants to take revenge against Wiro, because earlier this grandmother had fought and defeated Satan Wiro in episode three of Blood and Fire Wind Whips.[Edit] Episode Demon Goddess of stumps & Flood Bukit Tambun Blood In Bones
Kiai is related to the emergence of Bangkalan. In the episode the Demon Goddess of Mount stumps Kiai Bangkalan promised to give medicine to Wiro Wiro been to the place where his residence. When the opportunity Wiro visited Bangkalan Kiai, apparently Kiai Bangkalan have been killed and the murderer rushed Book of the Thousand treatment is none other than Datuk Sipatoka.[Edit] Episode emergence Sinto Gendeng, Bloody Lake Gold & Blue-bearded Satan
The rise in the episode recounted Sinto Gendeng Majesty give the gift of a secret map to the gold lake Ki Wulung Rana for his help in the kingdom together Sinto Gendeng.
In the episode of Bloody Lake Gold occurs struggle which was originally gold lake maps in the grasp of my grandfather and grandmother Amini Anom (Queen and King Solo).
In the episode occurred struggle Blue Devil bearded secret lake gold map the stored Ki Wulung Rana. This episode is mentioned in 30 years, is less clear whether the map was a 30-year-old or a map that has been stored Ki Rana Wulung for 30 years. If the 30-year-old maps, there is the possibility of such maps is the map given in the episode The emergence Majesty Gendeng Sinto. But if the question is a 30-year-old Rana Ki Wulung save the map, means that the map was not giving the King. Means there is a map another lake of gold, because the timing of delivery by the King's map is not possible 30 years ago because of the time the map was given when it Wiro already exists.
Characteristic map of the three episodes that there was little difference.
In the episode The emergence of Sinto Gendeng, the map mentioned in the form of a small roll of white cloth that has been lightly battered palms wide, depicted a mountain peak, river have curves, crosses and sun.
In the episode Bloody Gold Lake, a map is mentioned tattered piece of cloth that had turned yellowish white and filthy dirty, the same wide area of the palm of the hand, but the picture of the mountain, winding river and a small house.
In the episode bearded Blue Devil, a map is mentioned a thick yellowish paper folds for age, reflected in a mountain stream and then twisted circle may be a picture of a lake, then cross to the east of the lake.
Based on that I did not list the episode as an episode of Bloody Lake Gold is directly related to the emergence of Sinto Gendeng episode, but when associated with episodes of Blue bearded devil may exist because of the episode bearded Satan Satan Pair of Blue Eyes also appear that the previous fire also appeared in episodes of lake Bloody gold.
Blue Devil bearded episode is perhaps the most closely linked to the emergence of Sinto Gendeng episode because in addition to a possible connection with the map is a map giving the King, but the most obvious because the retelling of the Ki Gendeng Sinto friend Rana Wulung.[Edit] Episode Prince of the Sun From the peak of Merapi, Rogues & Commander Fugitive From Susukan
These three episodes I made a series of episodes because the story has a very close relationship, ranging from the emergence of the Prince of the Sun, the characters involved, the problems going on around and spinning in the same kingdom, also the presence of Ni Luh Parents are always accompanied Wiro Klungkung.[Edit] Episode Damn Ki & Ki Ageng stumps stumps Ageng Hereafter
Butcher and Ireng chopsticks Chopsticks are at the end of the story episode Damn Ki Ageng presumed dead stumps, in the early episodes of the story is told Hereafter Ki Ageng stumps still alive and there is a rescue. Soon came the Prince of the Sun that makes the two of them slaves behest.
Time of the incident at the end of the episode Damn Ki Ageng stumps with the advent of the Sun at the beginning of the episode Prince Ki Ageng Hereafter stumps are so close together, thus episode Hereafter Ki Ageng stumps I made the continuation of the episode Damn Ki Ageng stumps.[Edit] Episode Day Goddamn Day, Bujang Gila Way & Purnama Bloody Footprint
In the episode Day of Days Goddamn Crazy Bujang Tread Way appears, but has not mentioned his name and Wiro not yet known. I conclude it is Mad Tread Bujang Sakti by its characteristics, ranging from the fat body, although his body is always fanned the cold, wearing clothes upside down and always wear skullcaps.
And it's all answered in the episode Purnama Dengue, Wiro finally know who encountered previously obese youth is Bujang Gila Tread Way.
In the episode Bujang Tread Way Mad, Mad Bujang tells Tread Way starts from childhood to adulthood and become the young warriors who have extraordinary supernatural powers. Tread flunky Crazy Way itself is a nephew of Gods and Gods Laugh Sad.[Edit] AdaptationVCD cover Wiro Sableng
Wiro Sableng series has been adapted as a soap opera and film. The film starred by Tony Hidayat, and soap opera starring Sukendro Herning (Wiro Sableng I episode 1-59) and Abhie Cancer (Wiro Sableng I episode 59-91). Wiro Sableng soap opera has made two parts.[Edit] Starring: Tony Hidayat
Titles are available:
A. Four bearded From Goa Sanggreng
2. People revenge Sakti (vcd title: The Way Of The Boat Tangkuban)
3. Skull Valley Fire
4. Three Devils Blood And Fire Wind Whips
5. A pair of female devil
6. Gulf stealth Gonggo
7. A treacherous Swordsman
[Edit] Cast: Ken Ken
Titles are available:
A. Death Singing In Pajajaran
2. People revenge Way
3. Keris victimizing Wilayuda
4. Cursed Swordsman Flower Picker
5. Demon Goddess of Mount stumps
6. Naked Painting Secrets
7. Swordsman Andalas
8. A pair of Satan From Tenggarong
[Edit] Cast: Abhie Cancer
Titles are available:
A. Sowing Revenge Blue Demon
2. Cokorda lunge Gde Jantra
3. Warok robber Gde Orange
4. Forecasters Swordsman Crazy & Harp
5. Red Roses Demands Reply
6. Bloody moon
[Edit] Copyright
Wiro Sableng registered with the Ministry of Justice Affairs Directorate General of Copyright, Patent and Trademark under number 004 245.[Edit] External links
* Special Site Fan Wiro Sableng (Padepokan212)
* Community of Fans Wiro Sableng
* 212 Padepokan page on Facebook
* @ Page Padepokan_212 on Twitter
* Padepokan page 212 on Youtube
* The story set Wiro Sableng
* The story set Wiro Sableng
* The story set Wiro Sableng
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